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Presentamos una selección de nuevas publicaciones y otras noticias relacionadas con los estudios históricos y sociales de la nutrición y alimentación en América Latina y el mundo.



Nuevo Libro

Joshua Frens-String.

Hungry for Revolution. The Politics of Food and the Making of Modern Chile


This book is a reconceptualization of Chile’s twentieth-century history narrated through the lens of food politics. Frens-String offers multiple insights into the ways changes in food, diet, and consumption patterns and practices were shaped by, and in turn shaped, key moments in Chilean history, from the 1920s and the formation of Chile's welfare state to Salvador Allende's socialist revolution and the violent right-wing counterrevolution during the Pinochet dictatorship.

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Nuevo Libro

Stefan Pohl-Valero y Joel Vargas (eds).

El hambre de los otros. Ciencia y políticas alimentarias en América Latina, s.XX y XXI


En el cruce de caminos de los estudios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la medicina y los estudios sociales de la alimentación, El hambre de los otros es un esfuerzo por analizar de forma crítica las relaciones entre ciencia, Estado y política pública en los procesos de concebir y gestionar los problemas de salud y alimentación en América Latina a lo largo del último siglo.



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Food Studies Research Network. 

Eleventh International Conference on Food Studies


The Conference wants to explore new possibilities for sustainable food production and human nutrition, and associated impacts of food systems on culture. The Conference offers blended ways of participating. 28-30 Octuber 2021, Aarhus Univresity, Denamark.





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Chris Otter.

Diet for a Large Planet. Industrial Britain, Food Systems, and World Ecology


This comprehensive history helps us understand how the British played a significant role in making red meat, white bread, and sugar the diet of choice—linked to wealth, luxury, and power—and shows how dietary choices connect to the pressing issues of climate change and food supply.





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Nuevo Libro

Christiane Berth.

Food and Revolution. Fighting Hunger in Nicaragua, 1960-1993


Berth offers us much more than a deep and textured history of food politics and policy in Nicaragua. This book speaks directly to everyone concerned with food security and food sovereignty, the politics of hunger and the possibilities for localization in a globalized consumer culture.




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Nuevo Libro

Sören Brinkmann. 

Milch für die Tropen! Lebensmittelkontrolle und Ernährungspolitik am Beispiel der städtischen Milchversorgung in Brasilien (1889–1964)


Brinkmann examina la historia de la leche en Brasil desde una perspectiva de política de salud y se enfoca en el estado como actor clave. El libro ilumina no solo las características estructurales de la producción, el comercio y el consumo, sino también la larga lucha de los médicos y expertos en nutrición por un suministro de leche seguro.

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Número Especial

E. C. Spary y A. Zilberstein (eds).

Food Matters: Critical Histories of Food and the Sciences (Osiris, vol. 35)


The contributions range in topic from early modern dietetics and debates about cannibalism to modern ready-to-eat rations and Ayurvedic recipes; from analyses of hungry model organisms to the dining rituals of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and their patrons. This broad compass reveals that food and drink exist at the poles of knowledge production.



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Call for Papers

Global Food History.

Special Issue: Global Food History Prize for an Emerging Food Historian


The editors of Global Food History are pleased to announce the journal’s inaugural Prize for an Emerging Food Historian. Award winners will receive $100, the opportunity to have their contribution peer-reviewed and—pending successful reviews and revisions—published in the journal with an acknowledgment of the prize win.



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Nuevo Libro

Emily Pawley. 

The Nature of the Future:

Agriculture, Science, and Capitalism in the Antebellum North


The book uncovers the rich loam hiding beneath ostensibly infertile scholarly terrain, revealing a surprising area of agricultural experimentation that transformed American landscapes and American ideas of expertise, success, and exploitation.




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Nuevo libro

Kregg Hetherington.

The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops.


Hetherington traces well-meaning attempts by bureaucrats and activists to regulate the destructive force of monocrops that resulted in the discovery that the tools of modern government are at best inadequate to deal with the complex harms of modern agriculture and at worst exacerbate them. The book simultaneously tells a local story of people, plants, and government; a regional story of the rise and fall of Latin America's new left.


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Nuevo libro

Timothy Lorek y Andra Chastain, eds.

Itineraries of Expertise: Science, Technology, and Environment in Latin America’s Long Cold War


The book is a stimulating collection on the making of expertise and the dialectic of knowledge production and application. The breadth of topics combined with state-of-the-field framing essays give it an intellectual heft that traverses multiple historiographies, from the long Cold War and science and technology studies to political ecology and environment.



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Nuevo libro

Rebecca Earl. 

Feeding the People: The Politics of the Potato


Utilizing the history of the potato Earle offers a glimpse at how food is never simply sustenance, even dating back to the times we might have thought it would. The tendency to use food as both a marker of privilege and a tool for oppression is highlighted in this fascinating story. 





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Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas (IIA-UNAM).

Antropologías y ecologías políticas de la alimentación y la comida: problemas y perspectivas.


El seminario abordará un conjunto de temáticas consideradas centrales en el debate antropológico contemporáneo en torno a la alimentación, en el que se propone complementar los aportes teórico-metodológicos de la antropología. El evento se realizará entre el 13 y 17 de mayo de 2019, en Ciudad de México.



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Nuevo libro

Marion Nestle.

Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat


Written with unmatched rigor and insight, Unsavory Truth reveals how the food industry manipulates nutrition science--and suggests what we can do about it. As Marion Nestle explains, these studies are more about marketing than science; they are often paid for by companies that sell those foods.





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Laboratorio de Estudios Históricos de las Drogas y la Alimentación (LEHDA)

II Simpósio Internacional de Pesquisa em Alimentação: circuitos de produção e consumo


Gathered in the University of São Paulo (USP – São Paulo, Brazil) professors, researchers, and students around discussions and presentations on Food Studies, with the wide objective of contributing to establish a theoretical and methodological framework for this field of studies.



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Instituto Europeo para la Historia y la Cultura de la Alimentación (Iehca).

V Convención Internacional sobre Historia de la Alimentación y los Estudios de la Alimentación


Los días 6 y 7 del próximo mes de junio de 2019 el Iehca realizará en la ciudad de Tours, Francia, la quinta edición del evento que desde el año 2015 abre espacio para la discusión de los estudios históricos de la alimentación.





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Nuevo libro

Carole CounihanPenny Van EsterikAlice Julier (eds).

Food and Culture. A Reader, 4th Editon


This innovative and global best-seller helped establish food studies courses throughout the social sciences and humanities when it was first published in 1997. The fourth edition of Food and Culture contains favorite articles from earlier editions and several new pieces on food politics, globalism, agriculture, and race and gender identity.



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Número Especial

Juliana AdelmanLisa Haushofer (eds)

Food as Medicine, Medicine as Food (JHMAS, vol.73, no. 2)


Many of the problems examined in food histories intersect with the commitments of the histories of science and medicine. Science and medicine are crucial influences on past and modern conceptions of food, and historians of those fields have worked towards unraveling these influences with increasing intensity.



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Nuevo libro

Nicholas Bauch.

A Geography of Digestion: Biotechnology and the Kellogg Cereal Enterprise


Nicholas Bauch moves outward from the stomach to the sanitarium and through the landscape, clarifying the relationship between food, body, and environment at a crucial moment in the emergence of American health food sensibilities. A Geography of Digestion is a highly original exploration of the legacy of the Kellogg Company, one of America’s most enduring and storied food enterprises.


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Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

II Cátedra regional de antropología "saborear pensando y pensar sazonando"


En esta oportunidad la cátedra contará con la presencia de Ramiro Delgado, profesor del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Antioquia, quien, haciendo uso de detonantes de memoria, sabores y olores del fogón, explora el universo de la cocina colombiana. 



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Nuevo libro

Alyshia Gálvez.

Eating NAFTA. Trade, Food Policies, and the Destruction of Mexico


This book exposes how changes in policy following NAFTA have fundamentally altered one of the most basic elements of life in Mexico—sustenance. Mexicans are faced with a food system that favors food security over subsistence agriculture, development over sustainability, market participation over social welfare, and ideologies of self-care over public health.




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Nuevo libro

Sebastián Quiroga.

Cultura líquida. Transformaciones en el consumo de debidas alcohólicas en Bogota, 1880-1930.  


Las bebidas alcohólicas han estado presentes en la historia de Colombia, sin embargo, fue entre 1880 y 1930 cuando se experimentó el mayor cambio en la forma de consumirlas, especialmente en Bogotá. Durante estos años, la capital fue testigo del flujo de nuevas mercancías, imaginarios y saberes, lo cual transformó el lugar social del alcohol.


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Instituto Europeo para la Historia y la Cultura de la Alimentación (Iehca). 

La alimentación como patrimonio cultural: desafíos, procesos y perspectivas.  


El coloquio apunta a generar un espacio para la discusión sobre el desarrollo histórico de la alimentación, su formulación como patrimonio intangible, las comunidades profesionales científicas interesadas en su conceptualización y las medidas para su protección. 




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Observatorio de Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (Obssan).

IV Congreso Internacional por el Derecho a la Soberanía y la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional.


El congreso se organizará al rededor de cuatro mesas de trabajo: equidad, soberanía alimentaria y seguridad alimentaria y nutricional; gobernanza y política pública; sostenibilidad alimentaria y sistemas alimentarios alternativos.





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Nuevo libro

Juan Carlos Yáñez (coord).

Gobernar para alimentar. Discursos, legislación y políticas de alimentación popular. Chile, 1900-1950.  


Los artículos reunidos en este libro buscan ser un aporte al conocimiento de las políticas sociales en materia de alimentación, cuando las condiciones de subalimentación crónica se hicieron visibles en el marco de la crisis económica de 1929 y la posterior Gran Depresión.



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Nuevo libro

William García Ramírez. 

Plaza Central de Mercado de Bogota. Las variaciones de un paradigma, 1849-53.  


Este libro es la historia de la primera plaza de mercado cubierta de Colombia y la historia de una idea de ciudad. Plaza y ciudad se entrelazan para configurar una historia y una teoría como explicación alternativa de la arquitectura y el urbanismo rep-ublicanos en Bogotá.





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Nuevo libro

Elizabeth Neswald, et al. (eds).

Setting Nutritional Standards. Theory, Policies, Practices.


Setting Nutritional Standards explores perspectives on the theory, practices, and policies of modern nutrition science from the 1860s to the 1960s. The essays place the new science of nutrition within the changing social landscapes of Western Europe and the United States at the intersection of medicine, policy, social reform agendas, and public health initiatives.



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Nuevo libro

Randall M. Packard.

A history of global health: interventions into the lives of other peoples.  


Designed to be read and taught, the book offers a critical historical view, providing historians, policy makers, researchers, program managers, and students with an essential new perspective on the formation and implementation of global-health policies and practices (including nutritional ones).





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Nuevo libro

Lorena P. Mancilla López, et al. (eds). 

Las políticas alimentarias y nutricionales en Colombia y América Latina. Historia, contexto y desafíos.


En este texto se desarrolla un recorrido histórico por los diferentes momentos de las políticas alimentarias y nutricionales en Colombia y América Latina. Mediante el análisis de las tendencias y las características de las políticas y los actores, se revisa la manera como la sociedad y sus instituciones, incluyendo el Estado, han concebido la alimentación de la población.


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Nuevo libro

Atsuko Ichijo y Ronald Ranta. 

Food, National Identity and Nationalism. From Everyday to Global Politics.  


Exploring a much neglected area, the relationship between food and nationalism, this book examines a number of case studies at various levels of political analysis to show how useful the food and nationalism axis can be in the study of politics.






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Nuevo libro

Emily Yates-Doerr.

The Weight of Obesity. Hunger and Global Health in Postwar Guatemala.  


This book explores how scientific descriptions of body weight are translated from policy boardrooms, clinics, and classrooms into everyday life. It is one of few attempts to ethnographically study the emergence of obesity as a social fact—describing what obesity means for people who have been diagnosed as obese and how they respond to protocols of treatment.


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Nuevo libro

Steffan Ayora-Diaz (ed). 

Cooking Technology: Transformations in Culinary Practice in Mexico and Latin America.  


Using approaches based on anthropology, archaeology and history, Cooking Technology reveals the impact these and the associated broader socio-cultural, political and economic changes have on everyday culinary practices, explaining why people transform – or, indeed, refuse to change – their kitchens and food habits.


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Nuevo libro

Deborah Toner.

Alcohol and Nationhood in Nineteenth-Century Mexico.


Drawing on an analysis of issues surrounding the consumption of alcohol in a diverse range of source materials, including novels, newspapers, medical texts, and archival records, this lively and engaging interdisciplinary study explores sociocultural nation-building processes in Mexico between 1810 and 1910.





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